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What are the user access levels/user roles?

Industrial App Store:

User - can sign into Industrial App Store apps and use data sources that they have been granted permission to access.

Developer - can manage registration settings for Industrial App Store apps published by their organisation.

Organisation Administrator - can grant or restrict access to Industrial App Store apps to users and user groups within their organisation, and configure trust settings for their organisation.

Global Administrator - as above, but can manage any organisation. This role is restricted to approved Intelligent Plant employees.

App Store Connect:

Read - can read data from an assigned data source.

Write Tag Values - can write tag values to an assigned data source (if supported and enabled by the data source driver).

Write Tag Annotations - can write tag annotations to an assigned data source (if supported and enabled by the data source driver).

Configure Tags - can create/update/delete tag definitions on an assigned data source (if supported and enabled by the data source driver).

Configure Script Tags - can create/update/delete dynamic calculation tags for a data source. The query API only allows configuration via pre-installed calculation templates, and does not allow configuration of ad hoc calculations.

Administrator - can create/update/delete data source configuration. Management of data sources is only possible locally on the App Store Connect machine.

What are the user access levels/user roles?
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